Join Pastor Randy Alonso, Dr. Ron Wexler & Tom Trento on this unique Biblical based fact-finding expedition with visits to cities along Israel's northern borders, including Lebanon, the Golan Heights, Judea & Samaria. Along with substantial geopolitical information and advanced on location bible teachings, you will visit many of the most significant Biblical and historical sites. Of course, there is considerable time for fellowship, relaxing and shopping!

The Jerusalem Day is the day that marks the day the city was liberated and unified during the Six Day War in 1967.  We are in the 50th year of jubilee for this great day in history 1967 - 2017

Heritage Study Programs

We will visit Tel Aviv, but focus on Jerusalem and areas in Israel that get worldwide media attention. In addition to commentary from subject matter specialists leading the trip, you will hear from some of Israel’s best guides and hear lectures from top spiritual teachers, teachers, policymakers, security & defense experts, and IDF officers.

On this fact-finding tour, we will explore the swirl of issues surrounding events at sites that are both ancient and contemporary: There will be a special emphasis on the new President Trump realities in the Middle East, and specifically the US-Israel relations affecting the entire region.


In conjunction with the Heritage Study Programs, this mission will include advanced study programs at notable locations where experts will offer unique insights into the region's current events, security risks, and defense policies. We wholeheartedly invite you to what will be a very informative study program and engaging expedition.

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Itinerary at a Glance

Our mission to Israel will address international support for the Jewish State, the status of Jerusalem, the plight of Christians in the Middle East, and the region's security and defense. The expedition also includes Judeo-Christian biblical sites, to be arranged as travelers prefer.

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On this tour, you will find yourself off the beaten path and in areas rarely visited by tourists. Commentary from hosts and guides will take place on location. You will participate in informative discussions and presentations throughout the land. And you will enjoy the company of friends while enjoying the best Israeli food.

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